It’s clear that technology has made games more exciting, realistic and more immersive than ever before. This has also expanded our gaming preferences. We can not only enjoy top-notch graphics and gameplay but also a brand new way to experience the excitement and action. VR headsets allow us to experience games in 3D, making us feel as if we were actually there.
People tend to stick with a category they like and expect that all games will be the same. They are often disappointed to find out the opposite. In order to help you out, we have compiled a list with 3 different types of games that you can try. These games will expand your horizons and give you a new experience. Check them out.
Racing Games
The thrill of racing games is all about the adrenaline rush. Editor’s recommendation: Try the street racing games. Need for Speed dominates this market. Over the years they have released classic games such as Most Wanted (also known as Carbon), Underground 2, Hot Pursuit, and Underground 2. Even a pedal and wheel can be purchased to enhance the game and make it more realistic. You can race in different streets, compete with other players around the world, take part in police pursuits and more.
Strategy Games
We have games that demand your full attention and intelligence. It’s all about beating your opponent at their own game. You need to be patient and know what your opponent is thinking. In this category, you’ll find games like Age of Empires, Company of Heroes and Civilization. Age of Empires, not only in this genre but in gaming in general, is one of the most iconic games.