Do you sometimes feel like you never have enough time or energy to finish everything you have to do, much less find time to take a walk, prepare a healthy meal at home, or relax with a friend?
You know that when you find time to exercise, eat healthy, and do things that make you happy, you feel better and more alive.
This is why taking time for self-care is so important because it
can give you the energy you need to tackle everything that’s going on in your life.
One way to take better care of yourself is to have a good self-care plan. It’s through that structured plan that you’re going to be able to properly care for your wellbeing and pay attention to your physical, mental and emotional needs.
A plan will support you with eating nutritious foods, getting exercise and sleep, and carving out time for pleasure and for being with people you care about.
With a personal self card plan you’ll also be able to better cope with feelings of stress so that you’re able to handle whatever challenges come your way with resilience and flexibility.
Follow these steps to creating your own personalized Self-Care Plan”Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire and begin at once, whether you’re ready or not, to put this plan into action.”
Napoleon Hill-1883-1970, Author of Think and Grow RichA good self-care plan reminds you of what you want to accomplish. After all, you have values, goals, and a purpose in your life. This plan reminds you about what you want to do to take care of you.
Using a day planner or making notes to yourself can remind you of your goals and the things you need to do to take care of your body, mind, and spirit.
Your self-care plan gives you a solid foundation for what you want to do and how you can accomplish it.
A good self-care plan keeps you focused on your own personal well being. Writing and posting inspirational quotes and affirmation are great reminders of what to do, and also give you inspiration and motivation on why you’re doing it!