There are many Leadership factors involved in building an mlm downline, but none are more frustrating than the roles a Network Marketing Leader can play when recruiting and engaging a new person in this business.We have a tendency to go from one extreme to the other. Ignoring the new person to practically living with them, and everything in between.There are 4 basic “leading” roles that you establish with your new person. As a Network Marketing Leader, you may move through all of these roles with each person you bring into your MLM organization.1) The Recruiter.2) The Sponsor.3) The Baby Sitter.4) The Mentor.1) The MLM RecruiterSo what exactly IS the difference between a recruiter and a sponsor?INFERNO Secret:I have always taught that recruiting is getting them in, and sponsoring is keeping them in. One is a defined process for getting them signed up the other is growing their greatness in this business.I never really got into a hairsplitting term. Call recruiting what you want, but understand:
INFERNO Secret:Network Marketing Recruiting is the Education 離婚したくない場合の奥の手 and Influence Process of getting to the point of when you become their sponsor, and a lot people who recruit folks in this business forget the sponsor part.MLM Recruiting can be simply running the numbers, but that is how the average distributor does it. A Leader recruits to become a great sponsor and to build a long term relationship. Recruiting is the first phase of the MLM Leader Role, and Sponsoring is the second.2) The MLM Sponsor, is the second.When you have recruited them into your business, now you are their sponsor.INFERNO Secret:There is a reason why the word sponsor and responsibility have the same root word. It is your responsibility to become the Leader they need to create an environment for greatness, and for creating independence in your people.
That is Priority One!You must get them trained. A recruiter rarely takes the time for that because recruiters are focused on recruiting, not growing., signing them up, not growing them up. A Leader always grows people first, then the business.INFERNO Secret:Growing people produces the biggest MLM Success harvest in this MLM business!Be a great sponsor and take your new distributors where they want to go, but remember to also take them to the level of success you want them to lead them to.3) The MLM BabysitterAhhh! This is the sponsor who does everything for their downline, and completely disables their distributors and cripples their growth.You want to do it all. You don’t think anyone can do it as good as you, and so, you do it all. And