Self hypnosis training opened up a magical doorway for me that I’ve just barely explored even now. Have you ever seen a bunch of puzzle pieces laying on a table and wondered what the completed puzzle would look like? Each piece may be interesting, but without looking at the completed picture, a single piece doesn’t mean much.I felt this same way about self hypnosis for years. I would listen to a hypnosis tape or cd which seemed pretty good, but there wasn’t any context within a bigger picture. There are tons of hypnosis resources online and aMichael Emery
Michael J. Emery person could literally spend weeks of time and hundreds of dollars downloading and reading/listening to everything. Unfortunately, at the end of those weeks, we would still just have a stack of interesting but useless pieces.Thankfully I found a complete system that finally put all the pieces into place. Without the ‘glue’ in this self hypnosis training, I would still be staring at individual pieces and wondering where they fit in the bigger picture.For example, I learned about the 3 steps required for any successful hypnotic session. The ABS method must be used every time or your hypnotic suggestions will fail. Big Time! ABS is an acronym describing three stages required for successful hypnosis despite the individual technique, induction or goal of the session.A stands for Attention. The hypnotist (yourself in self hypnosis) must cause the subject’s attention to become intensely focused on some object (and away from outside distractions).B refers to Bypassing the critical mind. The critical mind is that part of your consciousness which analyzes and questions everything that is going on. If you start analyzing every word or step, your self hypnosis training won’t do you any good.S means Stimulate the unconscious mind. This is the stage where we make suggestions to the unconscious mind which will be processed and eventually (sometimes immediately) become live in the outside world.No matter what tape, book, or other tool you use for learning self-hypnosis, these three stages must be present in every single session. If they’re not, you’re wasting your time (and money if you bought the tool).Good self hypnosis training will also teach you the 4 simple steps to completing a proper hypnotic trance and embedding suggestions for maximum effect. If done properly, self hypnosis can change your life for the better almost immediately. Lose weight, get more confidence, feel more alive and healthy. All these goals are within your reach with the proper self hypnosis training and a few simple hypnosis tools.The system that pulled me out of the confusion also offers 3 complete hypnosis training modules for absolutely free! Those free modules taught me more useful stuff than I learned on my own after years of searching. You can find these free modules and a whole lot more at: Free Self Hypnosis Training Modules.Enjoy your journey, J. Stanton